Map window: having problems with the maps

We have created the maps in such a way, that while reading the text the map window appears on top of the text. The windows can be moved on the screen so that they are not in your way.
Because the maps shouldn't take up more space than necessary, they appear in a small window without any functions. This can only be created with java script. Please take note:

you can deactivate java script on some browers. If you click on a map link and nothing happens in the begining, check under options of your browser if java script is deactivated. Java script has nothing to do with the computer language java and is completely harmless. (The only reason while it could be necessary to deactivate java script is, to avoid error messages while visiting badly programed java script pages - (which shouldn't be with our ones otherwise we are going to chase Zopf the designer ...)

In the begining we had the problem, that we couldn't open more than one map window. This should be solved now - when you open one map the last one open will be closed than.

Sometimes older browser don't want to show the maps without a frame. There is no space in our small windows so they cut part of the maps away. If that happens to you, you can find at the map index the option to choose larger windows with frames.

If this sounds to complicated to you, you just open the large Africa tour map ...

And for all visitors who ended up here:
We feel with you. We also had to read the instructions here until we could open our own maps... We know a lot about cycling, we wrote the text, made the pictures, and helped to create the pages - but without Zopf we wouldn't have a private page.
